• Yasuni is a National Park located in the Amazon region of Ecuador.
• It spans 982,000 hectares, which is equivalent to the combined size of Pichincha and Esmeraldas provinces.
• It was declared a National Park in 1979.
• In 1989, an even larger area of the park was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO due to its natural and cultural richness.
• Yasuni served as a refuge for life at the end of the glacial era.

What does Yasuni hold?
• Over 100,000 species of insects per hectare.
• 94 species of ants on a single tree.
• 10 species of monkeys.
• 1,130 species of trees, more than in Canada and the United States combined.
• 81 species of bats.
• 540 species of fish in a 5-kilometer segment of any river.
• 165 species of mammals.
• 130 species of amphibians.
• 72 species of reptiles.
• Approximately 630 species of birds.

Who lives in Yasuní
Waorani, Kichwas, Shuar, settlers, and mestizos coexist in the area. In addition, the Yasuni is also home to the Tagaeri and Taromenane, known as Isolated Indigenous Peoples, who are characterized by having no contact with the outside world, and their lives are safeguarded by various constitutional tools.